Ways To Add Fennel Seeds In Your Diet In Summer To Avoid Heatstroke

Ways To Add Fennel Seeds In Your Diet In Summer To Avoid Heatstroke

Fennel Seeds Benefits: It is extremely hot in the month of April itself. The scorching sun and hot winds are causing problems for the people. In such a situation, to avoid this, we consume many things. One of these very effective things is fennel… Consuming fennel in summer is considered very beneficial because fennel has a cooling effect. That’s why it keeps the body cool from inside and also calms the heat of the stomach. Nutrients like vitamins, calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium and magnesium are found in fennel, which help to overcome the problems that occur during the summer season. Eating fennel improves digestion and cures stomach problems that occur in summer.

fennel tea

If you wake up in the morning and drink milk tea, then instead of this, drink fennel tea. This is very beneficial for health. To make fennel tea, boil one spoon of fennel in a cup of water, then cool it and filter it. If you want, you can add a little honey or jaggery to it. By drinking fennel tea, you will remain healthy in the summer, it will also improve digestion.

fennel syrup

In summer, if you drink cold drinks to quench your thirst, you can make fennel syrup and drink it instead. To make this, put a glass of water, one teaspoon of fennel and three to four mint leaves in the mixie. Blend them all well, then filter and take them out in a glass. Mix some honey in it and consume it. Drinking this keeps the body hydrated and cool. Fiber is abundant in fennel, which also works to improve digestion. This gives peace to the stomach. There is also relief from problems like indigestion, gas.

Fennel and sugar candy water

You can also drink fennel and sugar candy water in summer. They contain nutrients like vitamins, calcium, fiber and antioxidants, apart from this they also have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Drinking fennel and sugar candy water can solve many problems in summer. It keeps the body cool from inside and is also very helpful in keeping hydrated. Drinking this reduces stomach irritation and also prevents digestive problems.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or related expert.

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